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Expéditions de l'Université de Miskatonic [par titre | rareté | type ]
Le Réveil de Cthulhu [par titre | rareté | type ]
Légendes du Necronomicon [par titre | rareté | type ]
Dreamlands [par titre | rareté | type ]
Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck) [par titre | type ]
Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck) [par titre | type ]
New Aeon [par titre | rareté | type ]

Cartes d'Investigateur [par titre ]
Cartes d'Investigateur (DreamLands) [par titre ]
Cartes d'Investigateur (New Aeon) [par titre ]
Cartes d'Investigateur (MSGS) [par titre ]

Nom de la carte

Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)

.30/'06 Bolt-Action Rifle

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..
Affects All's Value

042 [Artifact]
Add 3 points to Ally's value. One Weapon per Ally. If Ally is Discarded or Buried, this Weapon suffers the same fate.
Eric Vogt


..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..
Affects Opponent's Investigator

027 [Event]
Fear of Open Places. At the beginning of your Turn, lose 1 Sanity point if the top card of your Story Deck features the Outside attribute.
Earl Geier

American Museum of Natural History

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..
City, Museum, Artifact

017 [Location]
Established in New York City in 1869, the museum includes a planetarium and a zoo. Howard Lovecraft would meet friends here when he lived in New York.
Jeff Menges

Arkham Gazette

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..
City, Business, Press, Tome

010 [Location]
Arkham's first newspaper, established in 1806. The Gazette is larger and more conservative than its rival, the Arkham Advertiser.
Jeff Menges

Arkham Horror

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..

049 [Adventure]
BUSINESS is terrible - the rain has turned into a DOWNPOUR. SAMUEL WINSOR and his FAITHFUL HOUNDS are forced to flee from TWO MONSTERS which erupt from the river near the MISKATONIC UNIVERSITY COMMONS. TWO STEADFAST ALLIES in a nearby house have a WEAPON and offer to help. The monsters destroy the ARKHAM GAZETTE building, but the group makes a stand at the STATION and defeats them.

Arkham Police Department

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..
City, Business, Artifact

011 [Location]
If this is your Current Location during Combat, reduce each Directed Threat attacking you by 1 point when Threats are revealed.
Jeff Menges

Bellevue Hospital

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..
City, Sanitarium

022 [Location]
Gain 5 Sanity points now, but you must spend next Turn in hydrotherapy (play no cards, do not Pass). During each additional Turn that you remain here you may Bury one Phobia affecting your Investigator.
Tom Sullivan

Blasphemous Obeisance

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..
Affects Opponent's Directed Threat

047 [Spell]
May only be cast during Combat. Return a random card in the target Directed Threat to that player's Hand.
David Day

Boston & Maine Train Station

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..
City, Station, Tome

013 [Location]
You may play this card immediately after playing a Train Travel by Land Event, on the same Turn.
Eric Vogt

Cast-Iron Skillet

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..
Affects Ally's Value

041 [Artifact]
Add 1 point to Ally's value. One Weapon per Ally. If this weapon is due to be Buried, you may immediately give it to another Ally.
"Useful for whacking monsters!"
- Granny
Heather McKinney

Central Hill

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..
City, Site, Tome

015 [Location]
"...a sort of focus of crazy alleys at the top of a high hill in the centre of the town, where perched a great white church."
- H.P.Lovecraft, The Festival
Heather McKinney

Chelsea Book Shop

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..
City, Business, Tome

021 [Location]
Located in the Village on Eighth Street: a meeting place for publishers, editors and writers.
Drashi Khendup

Cthulhu Rising

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..
Affects Opponent's Story Deck

028 [Event]
Your opponent must Discard his or her Current Location if it features the Water attribute, otherwise Bury it. Then, Bury this card.
Nick Smith

Deep One

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..

035 [Monster]
Add 2 points to the value of this card if any Storm Event is in play. Joins Deep Ones.
Heather McKinney


..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..
Affects All Investigators

030 [Event]
While this card is in play you must walk to all City Locations. Travel Events may be played normally. Bury this card if any Day or Night Event is played.
Eric Vogt

Dr. Hammond's Nerve & Brain Tablets

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..
Affects An Ally

040 [Artifact]
Give this card to one of your Allies in play. That Ally and one other of your choice are excluded (as if they weren't present) when determining the results of an Epidemic. If Ally is Buried or Discarded, then this Artifact suffers the same fate.
Lissanne Lake

Essex Institute

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..
Country, Sanitarium

026 [Location]
Trepanning is fun! Randomly Discard one card from your Hand. During each additional Turn that you remain here you may Bury one Phobia affecting your Investigator.
Michael Powell


..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..
Affects All Investigators

029 [Event]
It is now Night. Bury any Day or Night Event in play. When this card is played, the player may Discard one card from his or her hand and replace it with the top card of his or her Mythos Deck.
Sam Shirley

Faithful Hounds

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..
Affects Ally's Value

044 [Artifact]
Add 1 point to Ally's value. You may Discard this card and cause a random Monster in an opponent's Directed Threat to be Buried.
Eric Vogt

Frank Belknap Long

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..
Steadfast Author. Knows English & Glyphs

001 [Ally]
Born 1903, died 1994.
While this card is in play, subtract one from the Minimum number of cards that you keep in your hand. Not cumulative with other Allies that lower your Minimum.
Michael Kellner

Granny Orne

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..
Steadfast Widow. Knows English

003 [Ally]
Remain with Granny Orne for an additional Turn in any Kingsport Location and cause one Phobia affecting your Investigator to be Buried.
Heather McKinney

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