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La liste complète de toutes les cartes Mythos

(version imprimable en PDF + version Microsoft Excel)

Raretés: C=courante - U=inhabituelle - R=rare
Collections: Base=Jeu de base - R1=Expéditions de l'Université de Miskatonic - R2=Le Réveil de Cthulhu - R3=Légendes du Necronomicon - CI=carte d'Investigateur

Toutes les cartes

Jeu de base [par titre | rareté | type ]
Expéditions de l'Université de Miskatonic [par titre | rareté | type ]
Le Réveil de Cthulhu [par titre | rareté | type ]
Légendes du Necronomicon [par titre | rareté | type ]
Dreamlands [par titre | rareté | type ]
Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck) [par titre | type ]
Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck) [par titre | type ]
New Aeon [par titre | rareté | type ]

Cartes d'Investigateur [par titre ]
Cartes d'Investigateur (DreamLands) [par titre ]
Cartes d'Investigateur (New Aeon) [par titre ]
Cartes d'Investigateur (MSGS) [par titre ]

Nom de la carte

The Strange High House in the Mist

Country, House, Tome

C092 [Location]
You may use this gate to play Dreamlands Monsters to your Threat.
"The ancient house has always been there, and people say One dwells therein who talks with the morning mists..."
- H.P.Lovecraft, The Strange High House in the Mist
John Snyder

The Street of Pillars

City, Site

C091 [Location]
All Priest Allies add 1 point to their value while this is your Current Location.
Chris Adams

The Tall Lighthouse

City, Lighthouse, Tome

R096 [Location]
You may play this card immediately after playing a Travel by Sea Event.
Jason Voss

The Temple of Bokrug

Country, Ruins, Temple

U095 [Location]
Gain 5 Sanity. You must either Bury a Steadfast Ally or remain at this Location for an additional Turn to perform appropriate rites. For each additional Turn that you remain here you may Bury one Phobia affecting your Investigator.
Heather McKinney

The Temple of Loveliness at Kiran

Country, Temple, Tome

U094 [Location]
Gain 4 Sanity points, but reveal the top card of your Mythos Deck. Apply any Sanity gain or loss indicated in the pentagram on the card, then Discard it. During each additional Turn that you remain here you may Bury one Phobia affecting your Investigator.
Barry Chambers

The Terrible Old Man

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..
Corrupt Cultist & Seaman. Knows English

008 [Ally]
Can know any one Spell. Bury Spell in your Story Deck after it is cast. Protection from cards that cause you to lose Artifacts. At the moment when you would lose an Artifact, you may choose to Bury this card instead. Your opponent must then Bury his or her card.
Michael Powell

The Turquoise Temple of Nath-Horthath

City, Temple

U099 [Location]
Gain 5 Sanity points. You must either Bury a Corrupt Ally or remain here for an additional Turn in abject contemplation. For each additional Turn that you remain here you may Bury one Phobia affecting your Investigator.
Jason Voss

The Two Scepters

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)::..
Affects Ally's Value

041 [Artifact]
As long as the wielder is chosen as a Defending Ally, he raises the card value of all other Corrupt Defending Allies by 1 point per card. Not cumulative with another Ally's Command Ability.
Chris Adams

The Vatican

..::New Aeon::..
City, Church, Library, Temple

U064 [Location]
Gain 5 Sanity points now but you must spend the next Turn in atonement (doing nothing else). During each additional Turn you remain here you may Bury one Phobia affecting your Investigator.
Alan M. Clark

The Voynich Manuscript

Greek & Latin

R155 [Tome]
Named for Wilfred M. Voynich, who found this bizarre tome, a garbled mix of Greek and Latin in Arabic script, in 1912. An unbound 116-page manuscript, it was discovered with a letter claiming Roger Bacon as the author.
Barry Chambers

The White Ship

Affects Your Investigator

U025 [Event]
On a following Turn, play a new Location featuring the Water attribute in a different Region. If you have a Dreamer Ally that Location may be in any Dimension. If you have the Captain of the White Ship in play that Location may be any Exotic Location regardless of travel restrictions or the Water requirement.
Randy Asplund-Faith

The White Whale Inn

City, Business

C098 [Location]
For each Turn that you remain here you may Bury one Phobia affecting your Investigator.
Chris Adams

Thomas F. Malone

..::Légendes du Necronomicon::..
Détective Privé Intègre, Connaît l'anglais

C063 [Allié]
Protège contre les Enquêtes de Police et toutes les cartes qui font perdre des Artéfacts ou des Grimoires. Au moment où vous devriez normalement perdre un Artéfact ou un Grimoire, vous pouvez choisir d'enterrer Malone à sa place. Votre adversaire doit alors également enterrer sa carte.
Strephon Taylor

Throth's Stalwart

Affects One Defending Ally

R173 [Spell]
During Combat this round, target is Buried only if it takes its full card value in Sanity loss.
David Day

Tiara of Opulent Fantasy

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..

045 [Artifact]
Costs 1 point of Sanity to use. Replace all of the attributes (not Title or Special Effects) of your Current Location with all of the attributes on your target's Current Location. If you use a Gate, rotate your own Location card. Flip this card when used.
Lissanne Lake

Time Flux

..::New Aeon::..
Affects Your Hand

U109 [Event]
Discover modern equipment in the Waking World or Dreamlands. Using a Gate, play this card to immediately play one New Aeon Ally, Artifact, Monster, or Tome that you could otherwise play at your Current Location. Then Bury this card.
Stephen King

Time Machine

..::New Aeon::..
Affects Travel Between Dimensions

C147 [Artifact]
Costs 1 Sanity point to use. Flip this card and walk to any Location (except Exotic) in another Dimension. If your new Location is in the same subregion as your Current Location, you may instead play it right-side-up.
Scott M. Fischer


..::Expéditions de l'Université de Miskatonic::..
Affecte Votre Investigateur

R063 [Evénement]
Lors d'un prochain tour, déposez - face visible - sur votre pile Histoire une nouvelle carte Lieu ornée de l'icône Eau appartenant à une Région différente. Vous ne pouvez pas jouer un Lieu appartenant à la Région actuelle. Le fait de rester en mer un tour supplémentaire permet d'enterrer une Phobie.
Eric Vogt

Today's Tabloid Headlines

..::New Aeon::..

U182 [Adventure]
Mysterious CROP CIRCLES Reveal Cancer Cure!
Alien UFO Secretly Held at AREA 51!
Experimental ANTI-GRAVITY HARNESS Fails Secret Government Test.
Alien Spacecraft Destroyed In Midair - TWO BUSINESSES Burned By Fallen Wreckage!

Tombe du Prophète Daniel

..::Légendes du Necronomicon::..
Cité, Artéfact, Souterrain

R064 [Lieu]
Censée se trouver à l'endroit du tombeau d'Alexandre le Grand. (Ses) souterrains... n'ont jamais été explorés.
- Le Guide du Caire
Strephon Taylor

Tombeau d'Akhenaton

..::Légendes du Necronomicon::..
Campagne, Souterrain, Grimoire, Artéfact

R065 [Lieu]
Ce Portail peut être employé à plusieurs reprises lorsqu'une Nouvelle Lune est en jeu. On doit, à chaque utilisation, payer le nombre de points de SAN requis.
Strephon Taylor

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