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La liste complète de toutes les cartes Mythos

(version imprimable en PDF + version Microsoft Excel)

Raretés: C=courante - U=inhabituelle - R=rare
Collections: Base=Jeu de base - R1=Expéditions de l'Université de Miskatonic - R2=Le Réveil de Cthulhu - R3=Légendes du Necronomicon - CI=carte d'Investigateur

Toutes les cartes

Jeu de base [par titre | rareté | type ]
Expéditions de l'Université de Miskatonic [par titre | rareté | type ]
Le Réveil de Cthulhu [par titre | rareté | type ]
Légendes du Necronomicon [par titre | rareté | type ]
Dreamlands [par titre | rareté | type ]
Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck) [par titre | type ]
Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck) [par titre | type ]
New Aeon [par titre | rareté | type ]

Cartes d'Investigateur [par titre ]
Cartes d'Investigateur (DreamLands) [par titre ]
Cartes d'Investigateur (New Aeon) [par titre ]
Cartes d'Investigateur (MSGS) [par titre ]

Nom de la carte

Old Brick Powderhouse

City, Ruins, Artifact

C064 [Location]
Spend 1 point of Sanity to bring into play a Weapon buried in your Story Deck. Ignore Sanity gain/loss for playing the Weapon.
Alan M. Clarke

Old Congregational Church

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..
City, Church

016 [Location]
For each additional Turn that you remain here you may Bury one Phobia affecting your Investigator.
Thomas Garrett Adams

Old Woman of the Enchanted Wood

Corrupt Cultist. Knows English

U137 [Ally]
Bury The Old Woman of the Enchanted Wood to cause an opponent to Discard one random Steadfast Ally.
Michael Powell

One Small Step

..::New Aeon::..

U176 [Adventure]
By the turn of the millennium our space agencies (KENNEDY SPACE CENTER or EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY) began exploring the cosmos (SHUTTLE ICARUS and TWO different SPACE LOCATIONS). But even the PROPHECIES OF NOSTRADAMUS could not predict what we found. There are races of MONSTERS (two Greater and two Lesser) inhabiting those nether reaches, ruled by their monstrous dark lords (a GREAT OLD ONE or OUTER GOD). Is there, then, any future for humankind?

Operation Nemesis

..::New Aeon::..

C181 [Adventure]
"Good Morning, DETECTIVE. Here at FBI Headquarters (J. EDGAR HOOVER BUILDING ) we are about to launch Operation NEMESIS. Your mission is to identify a suspected CULTIST, currently a member of a UNITED NATIONS delegation. We believe his ultimate destination to be our nation's Capitol (one WASHINGTON D.C. Location), but beware: he is known to summon a MONSTER to do his bidding. The accompanying TOME will provide you with clues to his motives. Good Luck."

Ordre Esotérique de Dagon

..::Jeu de base::..
Cité, Société, Grimoire

R195 [Lieu]
Ce portail peut être employé à plusieurs reprises lorsqu'une carte tempête est en jeu. On doit toutefois payer le nombre de points de SAN requis à chaque nouvelle utilisation. Rester ici pendant un tour permet d'enterrer une Phobie.
Chris Adams


..::Le Réveil de Cthulhu::..
Ile, Site, Artéfact

C042 [Lieu]
Aucune liaison aérienne ne menant jusqu'à cette île, vous devez employer une carte Voyage Maritime pour vous y rendre.
Heather McKinney


..::Jeu de base::..
Affecte Tous les Investigateurs

U131 [Evénement]
Enterrez les cartes Voyage Aérien et Maritime occupant le sommet de toutes les piles Histoire (les Investigateurs retournent au Lieu précédent). Pas de pertes/gains de SAN. Impossible d'utiliser un Portail. Aucun Voyage Aérien ou Maritime ne peut être joué tant que cette carte reste en jeu. Tous les Lieux possèdent désormais l'attribut eau. Enterrez la présente carte si un Evénement de Jour ou de Nuit est joué.
Andrew T. Kalichack

Out Of My Mind

..::New Aeon::..

R180 [Adventure]
Arriving in a simple brown wrapper, the antique book read PNAKOTIC MANUSCRIPTS across the plain cover. For hours I read, about strange creatures called YITHIANs who possessed singular mental powers (YITHIAN MENTAL CONTACT and YITHIAN PSYCHIC POSSESSION). Apparently, they can travel through time at will, stepping from here (WAKING WORLD LOCATION) into the future (NEW AEON LOCATION) as easily as we step from room to room. They could be with us now!


..::New Aeon::..

U179 [Adventure]
The carrier contracted the disease in Kingsport (KINGSPORT LOCATION) - he lived just a block from the DAWN BIOZYME RESEARCH LAB. He spread it to the others aboard the plane (TRAVEL BY AIR) and the DOCTOR was quickly overwhelmed despite his EMERGENCY MEDICAL EQUIPMENT. Authorities allowed an emergency landing at the COUNTRY LOCATION, after first establishing a GOVERMENT QUARANTINE about the airport. Evidence collected by the HAZ-MAT TEAM confirmed everyone's worst fear: the dread EBOLA VIRUS was spreading!

Overworked Telephone Operator

..::Cartes d'Investigateur (DreamLands)::..
Knows english

004 Paul Prof Herbert

Ozzy Orne

..::New Aeon::..
Corrupt Cultist & Musician. Living Dead. Knows English

C016 [Ally]
His message of despair is unsubtle and discordant-belying his rumored ancestry. Can know one spell. Bury spell after it is cast.
Lee Moyer

Pallid Programmer

..::Cartes d'Investigateur (New Aeon)::..
Knows English

006 Lee Moyer

Panne Catastrophique

..::Jeu de base::..
Affecte Une Arme

C132 [Evénement]
L'Arme détenue par un Allié connaît une panne catastrophique au plus mauvais moment. L'Allié concerné doit être enterré et son Arme jetée à la défausse.
Sam Shirley

Papyrus of Ilarnek


C149 [Tome]
"And it is written in the papyrus of Ilarnek, that they one day discovered fire, and thereafter kindled flames on many ceremonial occasions."
- H.P.Lovecraft, The Doom That Came to Sarnath
Justin Hampton

Par Une Sombre Nuit Pluvieuse...

..::Jeu de base::..

C133 [Aventure]
On dirait que les choses ne peuvent jamais aller que de mal en pis... Pendant une EFFROYABLE TEMPETE, rendez-vous dans 3 LIEUX différents de la VALLEE DU MISKATONIC, en utilisant au moins UNE carte VOYAGE EN VOITURE, et réfugiez-vous dans une EGLISE des environs.

Patricia Bridgitte Jodoin

..::New Aeon::..
Corrupt Dreamer & Occultist. Knows French & Glyphs

C015 [Ally]
Contactee. While this card is in play, you may use a Gate to play Men In Black as Allies.
Lissanne Lake

Peaks of Thok

Country, Lair, Underground, Artifact

U069 [Location]
You may use this Gate to Summon one Nightgaunt and immediately attack with it. Opponent may defend with Allies but not use Spells or Artifacts.
Lee Moyer

Penn Central Train Station

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..
City, Station

024 [Location]
You may play this card immediately after playing a Train Travel by Land Event, on the same turn.
Michael Kellner


..::New Aeon::..
City, Government, Artifact

C054 [Location]
Completed in 1943, it is formed of concentric rings of five five-sided, five-story buildings; HQ for the departments of Defense and of the Army, Navy, and Air Force. Use this Gate and lose 1 Sanity point to play any one Weapon Artifact from any Dimension.
Stephen Barnwell



C114 [Adventure]
It was a quiet DAY as you sat dreamily enjoying the WINE OF PNOTH that your friend had brought back from her trip to the old country. Then in what seemed an instant, the sky turned black; a TWISTER ripped your HOUSE into the sky and dropped you down outside a glittering PALACE. Luckily your house crushed a MONSTER. What an EVENT! Was it all a dream?

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