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La liste complète de toutes les cartes COCCcg

(version imprimable en PDF + version RTF)

Raretés: C = courante - U = inhabituelle - R = rare

Zargl21, investigateur de l'impossible, avec l'accord de Fantasy Flight Games, vous offre la traduction française des règles du jeu:

Toutes les cartes

Arkham Edition [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Arkham Edition (fixed) [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Promo Card [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Unspeakable Tales [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Arkham Premium [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Asylum Pack - Conspiracies Of Chaos [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Asylum Pack - Dunwich Denizens [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Asylum Pack - Kingsport Dreams [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Asylum Pack - Spawn of Madness [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Eldritch Edition [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Eldritch Premium [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Forbidden Relics [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Forgotten Cities [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Masks of Nyarlathotep [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Premiere [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]

Nom de la carte

February's March

..::Forgotten Cities::..


Federal Agent

..::Arkham Edition::..

R006 [Character]
(coût: 1) (compétence: 1)
Lower the cost for you to play Government characters by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
"I was the friend of your father's. There are some people I'd like you to meet."
Ted Pendergraft

Federal Agent



Femme Fatale

..::Forbidden Relics::..


Fertility Rites

..::Arkham Edition::..

U199 [Event]
(coût: 4)
Action: attach the top 2 cards of your deck, as resources, to 1 of your Domains.
Matt Dixon

Fertility Rites



Fetch Stick

..::Forbidden Relics::..


Field Office

..::Unspeakable Tales::..

C016 [Support]
Action: exhaust to choose a character. Until the end of the phase, that character gains a icon.
Kory Heinzen

Field Researcher

..::Arkham Edition::..

U036 [Character]
(coût: 2) (compétence: 1)
Response: after Field Researcher is placed in your discard pile from play, ready all characters and support cards you control.

Sedone Thongvilay

Field Researcher



Fighting Blind

..::Unspeakable Tales::..

C132 [Event]
Play during a story phase.
Action: choose a story card. Until the end of the phase, each character committed to this story loses all of its printed icons.
Samuel Araya

Find Gate

..::Arkham Edition::..

R048 [Event]
(coût: 3)
Play during your operations phase.
Action: choose a story card in play, place it in the story deck, then replace it with a story card of your choice from the story deck and shuffle the story deck. Success tokens remain in place.
Torstein Norstrand

Find Gate



Fire of Asshurbanipal

..::Forbidden Relics::..


Fire Vampire Swarm

..::Arkham Edition::..

C156 [Character]
(coût: 4) (compétence: 3)
Fast. Toughness +1.
He would have screamed, but that his throat had been seared away.

Shane Watson

Fire Vampire Swarm



First Bank of Arkham

..::Arkham Edition::..

R088 [Support]
(coût: 2)
During your resource phase, you may attach an additional resource from your hand to 1 of your Domains.
Tabitha Heidkamp

First Bank of Arkham



Fishers from Outside

..::Masks of Nyarlathotep::..



..::Masks of Nyarlathotep::..


Flare Gun

..::Asylum Pack - Conspiracies Of Chaos::..


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